Review: Jonah Hill Deserves Better Than ‘The Sitter’

Who would you rather watch in a movie about babysitting: a 1980s Elisabeth Shue or an overweight Jonah Hill? Let’s be honest, you’d probably pick Elisabeth Shue. And no, this argument is NOT based on looks. If you’ve seen his nuanced performances in “Cyrus” or “Moneyball,” then you’ll agree that Hill has outgrown crappy films like David Gordon Green’s “The Sitter,” regardless of former weight.
In an age of reboots and remakes, plenty of Hollywood scribes try to slyly spin an established idea or genre, by marketing it as new. However, rarely do they bring anything worthwhile with their changes. Penned by newcomers Brian Gatewood and Alessandro Tanaka, “The Sitter” is a prime example of writers wrecking an existing story by sneakily trying to recycle it.